
Green Bits Radio Spots

Doing our bit to reach out to the listening public

Green Bits are public service announcements designed to share information about different ways that individuals can join the effort to keep Cincinnati green.

Most of these are designed to work in the home or office. None are particularly earth-shaking. But small things add up. More importantly, they contribute to a state of mind, to forming the habit of living in a way that incorporates a conscientiousness about the environment we all share.

Here’s a sample of the Green Bits that have been sent to radio and television stations in Greater Cincinnati. The links are designed to play on Quick Time or other standard programs. Let us know what you think!

About the Green Partnership of Greater Cincinnati  
This 30-second spot introduces listeners to the organization, a non-profit consortium formed in 2008 that includes Hamilton County Government, the City of Cincinnati, the University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati State Technical and Community College, Cincinnati Public Schools and Duke Energy Ohio.

Both Sides of the Paper 
This spot describes a simple, but effective way to save paper and cut down on waste.

Natural Sunlight
What’s the first thing you do when you walk into a room at home or in the office? Reach for the light switch on the wall, right? What might happen if you resisted the impulse, and relied on natural sunlight and task lighting? These spots offer some thoughts.

Rain Garden 
Ever so slowly, “rain gardens” are entering our vocabulary. Several of the Green Partnership’s members have them, some on a large scale. What are rain gardens? Why are they environmentally friendly? Here are quick answers.

Guidelines for Utilizing Raingardens for Stormwater Management
How to plan, build, plant and maintain a rain garden

Storm Water
This PSA (that’s the acronym for public service announcement) offers an overview of what is fast becoming a major environment issue in Greater Cincinnati – and a pocketbook issue.

LEARN MORE ABOUT STORM WATER is storm water a problem?

Try This
Water pollution is a huge problem in Greater Cincinnati, but breaking it down into small pieces is a useful way to start to address it.